(6 months ago)

The Echoing Hall

made by GoblinGazer


The players enter a grand hall with large stone statues along the walls, each holding a musical instrument. A haunting melody echoes through the chamber.


Replicate the melody to unlock the door at the far end of the hall.

Puzzle Type: Spatial



Solution Method: Exploration and Investigation


The melody is repeated faintly, and a poem etched into the wall provides hints about the correct sequence: “From the deepest drum to the highest string, the harmony of five will the gateway bring.”

Success criteria:

The door unlocks when the correct melody is played.

Failure consequences:

A magical backlash that temporarily deafens the players or summons a guardian to challenge them.

Timelimit in minutes:


Optional info:

The melody is based on a piece of in-game music or bardic lore that the players may recognize.

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