The players enter a cavern filled with resonating crystals that emit different tones when struck. The sound echoes throughout the cave, creating a haunting melody.
Replicate a specific melody using the crystals to open a sealed doorway.
Puzzle Type: Spatial
Solution Method: Creative Thinking
Solution Method: Deductive Reasoning
Solution Method: Exploration and Investigation
Solution Method: Trial and Error
A rhyme carved into the stone near the entrance reads, “The song of the stones shall open the way, but only when played at the end of the day,” suggesting a specific melody or timing.
Success criteria:
The sealed doorway opens when the correct melody is played.
Failure consequences:
Playing the wrong melody might cause a rockslide or awaken a crystal guardian that the players must fight.
Timelimit in minutes:
Optional info:
The melody could be tied to an important event in the campaign, making the puzzle more meaningful and connected to the story.