The players find themselves in a circular chamber with a series of glowing runes inscribed on the floor. Some runes are glowing brighter than others.
Activate the runes in the correct order to unlock a magical barrier or door.
Puzzle Type: Logic
Puzzle Type: Visual
Solution Method: Creative Thinking
Solution Method: Deductive Reasoning
Solution Method: Exploration and Investigation
Solution Method: Knowledge and Lore
A verse on the wall says, “From darkness to light, the path must be taken, lest the runes lead astray and the circle be broken.”
Success criteria:
The magical barrier or door unlocks when the runes are activated in the correct order.
Failure consequences:
Incorrect activation could trigger a magical trap, such as a curse or the summoning of a guardian.
Timelimit in minutes:
Optional info:
The runes could be tied to the elements, phases of the moon, or other thematic aspects of the campaign.