(6 months ago)

The Celestial Alignment

made by Stormcaller


The players enter a chamber with a large, intricately carved star map on the ceiling. There are levers on the walls that rotate different sections of the star map.


Align the constellations in a specific pattern to unlock a hidden door.

Puzzle Type: Logic

Puzzle Type: Spatial



Solution Method: Creative Thinking

Solution Method: Deductive Reasoning


A scroll found earlier in the campaign mentions, “When the three sisters meet the hunter, the path to the heavens shall open,” suggesting the required alignment of certain constellations.

Success criteria:

The hidden door opens when the constellations are correctly aligned.

Failure consequences:

Incorrect alignments cause a magical backlash, such as a burst of fire or a freezing wind, dealing damage or forcing the players to reset the puzzle.

Timelimit in minutes:


Optional info:

The correct alignment could correspond to a celestial event significant to the campaign's lore.