In the center of a circular chamber stands an obelisk with four sides, each engraved with a different elemental symbol: fire, water, earth, and air. The room contains four pedestals, each holding a gemstone.
Place the gemstones on the correct sides of the obelisk to activate it.
Puzzle Type: Logic
Solution Method: Exploration and Investigation
Solution Method: Knowledge and Lore
Place the gemstones on the correct sides of the obelisk to activate it.
Success criteria:
Placing the gemstones correctly causes the obelisk to activate, opening a portal or revealing hidden treasure.
Failure consequences:
Incorrect placement could cause the room to fill with an elemental hazard (e.g., fire or water), forcing the players to react quickly.
Timelimit in minutes:
Optional info:
The obelisk’s activation might also provide a boon or blessing related to the elements, offering temporary resistance or enhanced abilities.