(6 months ago)

The Timeless Hourglass

made by HalflingHero


The players find an ancient hourglass in a forgotten temple. The sands within it never seem to run out, and the room contains multiple stone pedestals, each with a symbol representing different times of the day.


Set the hourglass on the correct pedestal to unlock the next passage.

Puzzle Type: Logic

Puzzle Type: Time-based



Solution Method: Creative Thinking

Solution Method: Deductive Reasoning


A nearby inscription reads, “When the sun stands still, the path will reveal,” hinting that the correct time is either noon or midnight.

Success criteria:

Placing the hourglass on the correct pedestal causes a door to open or a secret path to be revealed.

Failure consequences:

Placing the hourglass on the wrong pedestal could trigger a trap or summon a guardian to challenge the players.

Timelimit in minutes:


Optional info:

The correct pedestal could correspond to a significant event in the campaign, such as an eclipse or a moment of prophecy.